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As board members, we participate in a variety of projects, some led by the Council and others based on issues raised by the community with the aim to benefit families in Portsmouth.


​Over the years, Members of the Portsmouth Parent Board have been involved in a number of projects, including:


Co-producing the Service Pupil Premium Toolkit

We carried out a poll regarding Service Pupil Premium and support available for service children in schools. The results of the poll identified that there is still a significant lack of awareness of what service children experience and their needs within some schools in the city. Many parents feel that their children are not being supported effectively.  This prompted our Chair (a service wife) to develop a tool kit with PCC, Parent Board, local schools, Service families and Service charities.  This tool kit is available is now available in all Portsmouth schools.


Healthier Together website

We supported the team by focusing on the messaging for vulnerable families, as a result training was developed for volunteers to reach more families and reduce health inequalities. 



Kooth is a digital platform for mental health support and we were involved in the consultation with the PCC commissioning team to review the service prior to PCC commissioning it.


Family Support Plan

Previously known as Early Help Assessment (EHA) - we were involved in the redesign of this form from the EHA to a Family Support Plan and worked closely with the Portsmouth Safeguarding team to make the information more accessible.  These forms are used to provide support to families, improve outcomes for children and help prevent situations from escalating.  We focused on the language used to encourage the empowerment of parents and make it more strength based for families and it’s brilliant to see the new Family Support Plan being used across Portsmouth.


Regeneration of the north of Commercial Road area

Our opinions and advice were sought to make the area as family-friendly as possible. 


Healthy Weight Conversations

We helped researchers with questions to ask parents around healthy weight. We acknowledged the importance of trust and relationships with health professionals and working with families based on their individual needs.




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